Friday 9 May 2014

My Dream Last Night

Every night our dream will accompany us through the night until the sunshine looked. The nice dream will make we feel like it was reality and want it to be the reality. But if nightmare ? If dreaming about someone which you missed,someone which are not keep in touch with you after your wrangle with her. Erm last night,I was have nightmare about her. Maybe I miss her so much. Our wrangle was longer than usual. Until now,we are still friend but not as a close friend as before this. Last night I was over thinking about her and until bring it into my dream. 
My tears flowed in cheek though it was only a dream. 
Let we look up about her A.K.A my yayang

My Yayang
(2010- until Jannah)
Name : Nuranisa Zainal
Bornday : 28 mac 1996
Nickname : acha
Thing her always complain every day is about her PIMPLE. hahaha but her still have to face all it.
She was a seem can be independent from the the external. But in fact her was so needed someone to be the place where her complained about love, sorrow, tears and her laughter.
Formerly,I was the place where her complained of it all. But now, everything is gone in blink of an eye

more? no way! all about her only in my heart will elaborate. hahahaaha 

All this picture can  story about us :)

Bestie Until Jannah

My prayer for this morning :

 My Allah,Hopefully her was one of my best friend who will hand-to-hand with me to your heaven.. ''
My prayer will be answered,right? Amin Ya Robbalalamin

Wassap from Cikgu As

On wassap, tengok2 cikgu hantar mesej. Dah berape hari dah. But aku baru balas. Terharu ! cikgu care about me .. Aku rase janggal la. Sebab aku jarang mesej2 dgn cikgu. Biase call or Face To Face je. hehe cikgu  rindu aku lah tu. Demam aku kali ni lame . Xpenah kena macam ni lame nye . But tangan aku gatal jugak,demam-2 pon wechat 24jam on. hahaha aku rindu lah nak lepak dgn cikgu :(
Ni tengah layan wassap group makmal komputer. Macam-2 ragam. hahahaha Finish!
by chaky

Picture Kelab Komputer 2013

Bangun-bangun pagi tadi tengok dah pukul 10a.m . Semangat aku terus menghadap komputer nak semak permohonan UPU . Tapi bila aku search, semakan 'BELUM DIBUKA' . Frustated giler aku lagi hari ini. Then, aku pon bukak fb nak release tension. tengok2 Cikgu As upload picture ni. Sedih rasenye. Lama tak lepak macam dulu. By the way,picture ni menyimpan seribu rasa dalam hati aku. sob sob sob. Let bygone be bygone. The sweet memories, i'll ''booked'' it in my heart whether the annoying memories will I throw into the dustin. Finish! hahahaha 
by : chaky

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